Join Marble Valley Friends

Marble Valley Friends, Inc. is looking for good people who want to help preserve the history of the Marble Valley.  Without a  strong membership base nothing can be accomplished.  We need your energy, dedication and your expertise to preserve the historical integrity of Pickens County and the Marble Valley.  We would also urge people to help monetarily with financial support and donations to help with our efforts.  Marble Valley Friends is a 501 (c)(3) non profit organization, so donations are tax deductible. 

We meet at 7:00 pm the first Thursday of every month The summer months we meet at the Old Tate Gym and in the colder months we meet at The Tate Community Room, so please stop by and see what we are all about.

If you are interested in joining a group of great people and helping with fund raisers and more please fill out the following form and we will contact you.



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